The IMN Library consist of books that have been featured in IMN E-letters, conferences or they have been recommended by IMN members. Hover over the book cover with your mouse to buy now. Click on the book title to review details and/or order through Amazon.

Behavioral Covenants in Congregations: A Handbook for Honoring Differences
Don’t Wait Until the Pastor Leaves: Planning for Ministerial Transition Helps Ensure that One Successful Minister Follows Another
Ministry and Money: A Guide for Clergy and Their Friends (Money, Faith and Lifestyle)
Bridges of God: A Study in the Strategy of Missions
The Practice of Story: Suffering and the Possibilities of Redemption
The Social Media Gospel: Sharing the Good News in New Ways
Transcending Generations: A Field Guide to Collaboration in Parishes
Deliberate Acts of Kindness: A Field Guide to Service As a Spiritual Practice
Governance and Ministry: Rethinking Board Leadership
The In-Between Church: Navigating Size Transitions in Congregations
Raising the Roof: The Pastoral-to-Program Size Transition

Inside the Large Congregation

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Inside the Large Congregation
Healing Spiritual Wounds: Reconnecting with a Loving God After Experiencing a Hurtful Church
Freedom and Interim Ministry: 12 Freedoms of the Interim
Temporary Shepherds: A Congregational Handbook for Interim Ministry
Beginning Ministry Together: The Alban Handbook for Clergy Transitions
A Change of Pastors … and How it Affects Change in the Congregation
Healthy Congregations: A Systems Approach
Congregational Leadership in Anxious Times: Being Calm and Courageous No Matter What
How Your Church Family Works: Understanding Congregations as Emotional Systems