Most of IMN’s 90-minute webinars – led by knowledgeable and experienced transitional leaders, including IMN faculty – are recorded and available for purchase through our on-demand library.
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When difficulties in my ministry context arise (due to my stress level, organizational conflict, interpersonal challenges, etc.) I find it helpful to think about what approach to use. What approaches (what maps) will most enhance my leadership as I seek to manage myself and nudge important work forward? Two helpful tools I regularly rely upon are Crucial Conversations, 3rd ed., and the Intercultural Conflict Style Inventory (ICS). In this webinar we will review these models and explore their strengths, drilling down on the aspects that I have found to be most supportive for cultivating change in self, in others and in organizations. Over two million people have been trained in Crucial Conversations over the last 30 years and it is a regular HR offering in education, government and corporate settings. The ICS model is often used in conjunction with the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) and has a proven (statistically valid and reliable) track record as a powerful tool enhancing awareness in multicultural contexts.
John Beck is a student of congregational and leadership dynamics and an Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) pastor. He works to strengthen relational and spiritual vitality, especially when conflict has disrupted mission. In addition to 30-plus years of parish experience, John has served as a chaplain, counselor, and seminary professor. He is an Associate of the Kaleidoscope Institute and is a Qualified Administrator of the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI). His MA in journalism strengthens his communication skills; his PhD in Marital and Family Therapy helps his understanding of family systems; his experiences teaching in several seminaries broadens his appreciation for a diversity of theological perspectives. He is finishing his certification as a trainer with the Stanford Forgiveness Project and is currently an apprentice member of IMN’s faculty.
Transition raises anxiety in any congregation. Then, add more secularization and general uncertainty about the future, and resistance to change surfaces. Some want to revert to a time when all was well. An essential task of the interim pastor, however, is to help a congregation re-set to a future filled with God’s grace and potential, and to re-imagine the church. This webinar led by the Rev. John Throop, D.Min., will give you leadership skills and tools for re-setting the congregation’s current perception, and courage to re-imagine its future ministry. An Episcopal priest and interim veteran for the past 42 years, will share a powerful personal story that brings this process to life.
The Rev. Dr. John R. Throop has been an Episcopal priest for 40 years. A graduate of the University of Chicago, he attended seminary at the School of Theology of the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee. He earned a Doctor of Ministry degree from Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California in organizational development in Christian ministries. He has served parishes in Tennessee, Virginia, Ohio, Illinois, New York, and Wisconsin. In a bi-vocational role for 17 years, Dr. Throop also was a global consultant in strategy, planning, and human resources serving non-profit and governmental agencies. Through the years, he has served as a board member of church and secular groups. He currently is board president for the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer.
Polarity Thinking TM, developed by Barry Johnson, is an alternative to traditional problem-solving. A polarity is an interdependent pair of needs, values, or goals. Although the poles seem to be in tension with each other, both are good and true – and they need each other over time. Polarity Thinking is a powerful framework for addressing thorny problems and transforming conflict. It can be applied to congregational life, as well as to our own personal and professional lives. Let’s explore this model together, with a focus on polarities that often present themselves during transitional times. Once you learn the basics, you’ll start seeing polarities everywhere, giving you new insights into how to work through practical and philosophical dilemmas. (A note about language: “polarities” are anything but polarizing!)
Jan Gartner (she/her) serves as Compensation and Practices Manager at the Unitarian Universalist Association, equipping congregations for excellence as employers in accordance with UU values. Jan oversees the UUA’s congregational compensation program and helps leaders with a variety of personnel-related matters; she works closely with the UUA Transitions Office. Special interests include productive professional transitions, robust staff teams, the economic sustainability of congregations, and emerging staffing models. A former Director of Religious Education, Jan strives to bring all of the skills and sensibilities of an educator to her role.
Jan lives near Rochester, NY, with her husband. She is an avid walker, a lover of word and number puzzles, and an enthusiastic soprano in the First Unitarian Church of Rochester choir.
MINISTRY MAPPING - Rev. Dr. Martin Lee
In an age when demographics are challenging congregations to thrive, we will explore how to help navigate conversations that lead to faithful discernment. This time will be an opportunity to share experiences, questions, and potential challenges. Our exploration will include grief, culture, legacy, different options regarding merging, and the use of the 5 c’s (curiosity, creativity, co-operation, collaboration, and courage) to help shift congregations from palliative numbness into a life-giving and viable ministry.
Helen Prior is an Ordained Interim Minister in the United Church of Canada. Over her 30 years in ministry she has served four pastoral charges as a settled minister, and completed seven intentional interim ministries in Saskatchewan, and southern Ontario. She has served as faculty since for the Interim Ministry Network since 2017. Helen has a reputation for using her pastoral skills and sense of humour to invite congregations into dialogue, and helping polarized groups come closer together. Helen has helped churches discern to amalgamate, disband or close. Most recently she completed a three way amalgamation where formerly floundering congregations are now thriving. When away from work Helen enjoys being walked by her pups, being staff to her cats, travel, good music and spending time with friends and family.
Your sermons provide an opportunity to speak to where the congregation is as a whole, each week. In this 90-minute webinar, Ashley M. Wilcox will share examples of sermons she uses to help congregations through transitions. These will include addressing anxiety in the congregation, holding up a mirror to unhelpful behavior, and laying out a framework for conflict resolution. There will be time for conversation in small groups as well as large group discussion about what will be most helpful for your church during this time of transition.

Ashley is passionate about helping preachers find their voice. She taught preaching to students at Candler School of Theology for five years and now has her own preaching coaching practice, Preaching with Confidence. Ashley also teaches Bible courses for Woodbrooke, a Quaker center in Birmingham, England, and Guilford College.
Ashley is a graduate of Candler School of Theology and Willamette University College of Law. She preaches and speaks across the U.S. and internationally. Her writing has been featured in Geez, Working Preacher, Friends Journal, Fidelia, and Quaker anthologies.
Born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska, she now lives in Greensboro, North Carolina. You can learn more about Ashley on her website, www.ashleymwilcox.com.
P A E I Growing and Contributing (Not) Stuck on Pause - Rev. Arlen Vernava
Practitioners, leaders, and faith communities are always intertwined in an organic and dynamic relationship. Picture a great tree with deep and many roots, a robust trunk, powerful limbs and majestic canopy. Picture animals and organisms too, small and large, who create sanctuary and find sanctuary here. The tree and all else are nourished by water, earth, light and air, by organisms and natural processes. All provide home for others and are at home with others. All experience protection, experience growth, and contribute. All manage threat, crisis, and inertia.
This webinar will explore one tool and posture that helps describe and provide for contributing and growing: leadership as “being” and “doing.” The tool and posture? P A E I
Ichak Adizes calls P A E I vitamins for leaders and their organizations. In his lifetime of international work with for and not for profit sectors, cultures, and communities Adizes noticed that when every leader, team, group, governing body, family unit, and organization (to name a few) produces, administrates, entrepreneurs, and integrates, good things happen.
This webinar will give attention to understanding and functioning from a P A E I posture, and harnessing P A E I for assessing, balancing, and advancing the work of one or many: a small working group, a staff, a unit, the faith community as a whole …
In preparation, give thought to what is yours to do (or your team/group), the work of others, and places of collaboration.
Arlen G. Vernava, Executive Process Consultant, and an ordained American Baptist clergy, has served settled and interim-time faith organizations and congregations, and provided leadership to ecumenical and interfaith groups and organizations. An IMN Faculty member, Team Lead for the IMN Education Team and a Senior Consultant with Design Group International, Arlen’s vocation includes coaching leaders during organizational change and transition, helping congregations and organizations live into their vocation, and serving as embedded strategic interim during a congregation’s seasons of change and transition. Arlen’s certifications include PAEI / Enneagram, through the Madanes School of Enneagram Coaching in Israel and the Work-Place Big Five, through Paradigm Personality Labs.
As a Clergy, most have questions about church finances, budgeting and beyond!
Want to know how to be accountable with God’s money!
Want to know who is an employee and who is not?
Want to know how to stay in good graces with the IRS?
Want to know about accounting automation?
Want to know about separation of duties?
Want to know how not to overstep your involvement in the church finances as pastor?
Come Learn the Meaning of DAL!
Rev. Belinda Sledge, Presenter
Minister of Finance and Church Consulting
Southern Conference United Church OF Christ
Our training in systems dynamics as intentional interim pastors helps us to understand the interrelatedness of pastoral changes and other shifts in a congregation. Before beginning transitional ministry, ELCA Pastor Janet Peterman served one inner city congregation for 24 years. Four of seven of the interim placements she served after have followed long-term settled pastors. Through these combined experiences, Pastor Peterman has perceived a pattern in the core issues facing congregations and their leaders in transitions following long term pastorates. Focusing on these core issues makes transitional work more effective.
In this webinar, we will consider the typical dynamics that occur in the role of the Pastor as pastoral tenures stretch beyond 12-15 years; how that pastoral shift causes a shift in others’ roles around them; and the cluster of issues facing a congregation and its leaders as the Pastor leaves. These include grief, though not simply understood as sadness; difficulty with understanding congregational identity, apart from the departing leader; leadership struggles; boundary issues; special care needed in defining the role of the new pastoral leader sought; and difficulties often experienced when teams choose a new pastor.
The session will be interactive. Tools, best practices, and resources will be shared by the instructor. Participants are also invited to bring resources to share.
Janet S. Peterman is an inner-city ELCA (Lutheran) pastor living with her family in the Germantown section of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the eastern US. She has served the last 16 years of her ministry in seven (7) intentional ministry settings in 3 synods. She has reached the Professional Transition Specialist (PTS) level of accreditation through the Interim Ministry Network (IMN). When not in active ministry, she gardens, bikes, hikes and takes joy in friends, family and photography.
I have heard that the way to ending a transitional ministry well is to “start well”. Starting Well means that you and the community of faith have a very clear idea about what your transitional time is all about. Having a clear contract or covenant with the congregation is the place to begin. This workshop will lead transitional pastors to be able to craft a contract/covenant that will help both the leader and the community of faith understand the work of the leader and the expectations of the community of faith. I will suggest important aspects that should be in your contract/covenant, as well as how to personalize it to suit you and your community of faith. I will provide some contracts for us to look at for strengths and growing edges for discussion. We will also explore the necessity of clear communication from the beginning of the time of transition, along with other first steps that are helpful when beginning a new transitional ministry. Bring your questions and your experiences of beginnings to help all of us learn from each other.
Rev. Katrina Palan is an ordained minister with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). She is in a time of transition having completed her nineth interim position, two of which were judicatory ministry positions. She is currently living in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma close to six of her eleven grandchildren. Katrina is on the Interim Ministry Network Board of Directors and serves on its conference planning team, the hybrid conference task force, the conference meditation site planning team, and the instructional design team. She is also a VSG co-host and a “Chat-With Us” co-host. Katrina is a military veteran and serves on the Moral Injury Institute Board of Directors. She has experience in hospital, police, and sheriff chaplaincy. Katrina is currently a level-3 Chaplain with the Salvation Army Disaster Team. She has extensive experience in working with people in traumatic situations. Katrina is currently working on her Doctorate of Ministry at Brite Divinity in Fort Worth, TX. Her Dissertation title and emphasis is “How Can Spiritual Practices Help to Minimize the Consequences, Responses and Feelings Encountered by Veterans Impacted by Moral Injury”.
This webinar presents an approach to entering and exiting during interim time that uses props such as tissues, a flashlight, a mirror, a compass, binoculars, a stuffed otter, a walking stick and other like items to connect a congregation to, among other things, history, identity, leadership, vision, and connections. Participants need only bring their imaginations to the webinar as the shared discussion will find substance as we engage the power of telling a story through these and other humble items. Who knows what new ideas will unfold!
Participants in this webinar will receive a practical outline of the Entering/Exiting Backpack concept based on the presentation to the 2021 IMN Annual Conference by a Fieldwork Colleague Group facilitated by the webinar presenter.
Bill Thomas is an Episcopal Priest with 33 years experience who is a member of the IMN Faculty and, through WCT.coach, is of use to communities of faith as workshop leader, executive coach, transition consultant / interim rector, and pastor. Bill served in three settled parishes as rector, and worked fulltime while retired as the Interim Rector of St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, Wilson NC (12/19-07/20 – during the early days of COVID). Previously he served as the Interim Rector of Christ Church, New Bern NC (08/13-03/15) and in an interim role as Priest-in-Charge of Christ Church, Middletown NJ (05/15-09/18). Bill served as the initial Team Lead for Membership Support for the Interim Ministry Network (2015-2018). He holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from the Virginia Theological Seminary.
Even in the healthiest of congregational communities, the interim or transitional pastor must deal with behaviors and norms. Whether healthy or less-than-healthy, these behaviors have an impact on discernment, communication and decision-making. The transitional pastor and team are in a unique position to question the process behind the process. This task becomes critically important when facing a setting of instability, dysfunctional conflict, trauma or hidden issues. In this webinar, you will learn some neutral methods to surface behavioral issues, provide ways to correct or accept the hidden processes at work in the congregation, and learn how to promote transparent norms and behaviors supporting a healthy future for the congregation.
The Rev. John R. Throop has been an Episcopal priest for 41 years. A graduate of the University of Chicago, he attended seminary at the School of Theology of the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee. He earned a Doctor of Ministry degree from Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California in organizational development in Christian ministries. He has served parishes in Tennessee, Virginia, Ohio, Illinois, New York, and Wisconsin. In a bi-vocational role for 17 years, Dr. Throop is currently a consultant and coach assisting churches and nonprofits in change and transition. He also was a global consultant in strategy, planning, and human resources serving non-profit and governmental agencies. Through the years, he has served as a board member of church and secular groups. He currently is board president for the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer and a member of the board of directors of Interior Ministry in the Episcopal Church (IMEC). Rev. Throop presented his workshop; Paradigm Shifts in Transition during the 2021 IMN Annual Conference.
The Covid pandemic has changed much in our churches. But stewardship needs to continue to be founded on Biblical principles. As stewards we are to use wisely what we have been given by God. The three gifts God gives us are our time, our talents or abilities, and the money earned using our time and abilities that allows us to purchase our possessions. How will we use these things as we seek to honor God and do the work God hopes we will do?
No longer will the six-week Stewardship Program, raise enough to fund your mission and ministries. Come and learn how to develop a year-round program of connecting people’s giving of time, talent and treasure with the vision or mission and the ministries of the congregation where you are serving. This work is changing lives and making a difference in our world.
We need to consider several things: your congregation’s website, live-streaming worship through Facebook, Zoom or YouTube on Sunday, online giving, giving through a text message, and Electronic Fund Transfer. How should you now do the offertory?
In teaching generosity, the six most important words are, “Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.” Then through building personal relationships, you will be able to grow generous givers. No one has left a congregation during an interim period because they felt thanked and appreciated.
The Rev. Charles Cloughen, Jr. has conducted 44 Stewardship Campaigns as an interim and as a pastor. He is the author of One Minute Stewardship: Creative Ways to Talk about Money in Church, Church Publishing, Inc., 2018
In this webinar, you will learn about the basics of sacred storytelling and how to use storytelling as a tool in transitional ministry. You can expect to come away from the webinar with a story that you can tell, and some potential applications for that telling. You can expect to learn tools for learning a story by heart.
Rev. Dr. Madelyn Campbell is a Unitarian Universalist Interim Minister. She has been serving transitional ministries since 2014, and is currently serving as Interim Minister in Stony Brook, NY. She completed her Doctor of Ministry degree in 2022. Her doctoral project explored the use of sacred storytelling as a tool in transitional ministry. Madelyn is also a Certified Master Biblical Storyteller through the Academy for Biblical Storytelling. She has been a frequent workshop leader at the Network of Biblical Storytellers, International Festival Gathering. Madelyn loves a good whodunnit and is a massive Doctor Who fan.
There are lots of reasons to change your bylaws and the urgency of this work is pressing harder upon us than ever before. The most compelling reason to undertake this work is that most of the systems our bylaws were built on predate the glory days of the 1950’s. While many churches have since revised their bylaws most have only amended a preexisting definition of church. I believe these models to be ill equipped to handle the complexity of ministry in the twenty-first century. The premises our structures were built around have shifted so dramatically that we need to reimagine how to organize for ministry so we can thrive in the future. BUT HOW do we approach such a task. During our time together we will highlight why the work is critical to effective ministry and approaches to undertake the task, participant will get both an overview and practical skills for the task.
Pastor Chris is a poet, storyteller, process theologian, Professional Transition Specialist, consultant, revitalization pastor, artist and a frisky fusion of science and faith. He is committed to helping the church of today emerge into the twenty second century. Pastor Chris is dedicated to the excellent Transitional Ministry and is a faculty member with the Interim Ministry Network. He uses an empowering and adaptive leadership style to help communities of faith to grow, and change. He is passionate about worship that is fresh, creative, engaging, and participatory.
Consider the various ways that we preach as interim ministers. This workshop will look at such questions as: What are your goals for preaching? How does your preaching fit with your goals for interim ministry at a church? To what extent do you use the Revised Common Lectionary? How do you use preaching to address the three questions (Who are we? Who is our neighbor? Who is God calling us to be?) and the five focus points (heritage, leadership, identity, connections, future)? How do you feel about your preaching? How do you prepare and present your sermons? How would you like to improve your preaching? We will discuss these questions in both large group and small group contexts and devise ways in which we can be supportive of one another in the preaching task.
Rev. Michael Newheart has served interim pastorates in Wisconsin, New York, Connecticut, and Rhode Island after retiring from divinity school teaching. He is an Interim Ministry Specialist with Transition Ministries of American Baptist Churches USA (TM-ABCUSA). He has a BA from William Jewell College (MO) and an MDiv and a PhD from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (KY). Michael is Professor Emeritus of New Testament Language and Literature at Howard University School of Divinity (DC), where he taught for 26 years. His home is in College Park, MD, with wife Joy and younger daughter Miranda. Their elder daughter Anastasia lives in Boulder, CO. [email protected]
Many congregations face the financial reality that compensating a pastor for full-time ministry is unsustainable. This could be the “beginning of the end” for a church. Or, with careful and creative discernment, it could be a moment of resurrection for the entire congregation as lay members are empowered to use their gifts alongside a part-time pastor to continue and enhance vital ministries without the anxiety provoked by unsurmountable budget challenges. In this webinar, we will discuss resources and tips for the conversations with leadership groups and the congregation as well as pros and cons, examples of part-time models, and concerns to address during the planning process.
Helpful resources for attendees are “Part-Time is Plenty: Thriving Without Full-Time Clergy” by G. Jeffrey MacDonald (2020, Westminster John Knox) and denominational guidelines for compensation and work expectations.
Rev. Dr. Ruth Shaver is a United Church of Christ (UCC) pastor who has made transitional ministry her specialty after discovering that much of her life has been about transitions and problem solving for businesses and congregations. She is currently the ¾ time Interim Pastor and Teacher at The Congregational Church of Mansfield, UCC, in Mansfield, Massachusetts, where she worked with the transition/profile team to create a part-time profile for the new settled pastor search, which is ongoing. Previously, she served as Interim Pastor and Teacher at First Church of Christ, Congregational, UCC, in North Conway, New Hampshire; and as pastor in Schellsburg, Pennsylvania and as associate in Attleboro, Massachusetts, in both cases doing work similar to that of an interim at the beginning of the calls. Between seminary and ordination, she was known as the “system fix-it woman” in two different temporary placement agencies for her ability to assess and correct office operational systems and dynamics that led to rapid turnover in administrative personnel. Rev. Shaver earner her M.Div. at Boston University School of Theology and her D.Min. at Lancaster Theological Seminary. She resides in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, and fills the other quarter of her work time with course writing and course facilitation for PATHWAYS Theological Education, Inc., a non-seminary program for lay education, ministry preparation, and clergy continuing education.
Interim ministers can find themselves leading congregations with a reality gap: the congregation is not facing reality for the present and/or the future. Congregations in denial about the current state of their congregation can have identity issues. What they see in themselves fails to match today’s reality. This occurs, for example, when a clergyperson enters a congregation and realizes they can’t afford to be staffed at their current level. When congregations do face their current reality, they can still have a reality gap as they think about their future. Struggling congregations can suffer from “wishful thinking” where they pin their hopes on a magical “turn-around” future. These congregations in numerical decline create unrealistic expectations for their next pastor. Others approach the future more realistically but they feel hopeless and don’t know what to do next. The congregation waffles between “positive thinking” (wishfulness) and “negative thinking” (hopelessness) – and in either case, they don’t feel they have any agency over their future. This webinar will make the case that perpetuating wishful thinking is a betrayal of the theological claim of hope.
Ministers who suspect that closure, merger, or other major changes could be in their congregation’s future must hold up a mirror to the congregation, help them to face reality, and move from wishful thinking to the hope grounded in their sacred stories. They will need to equip congregations with the spiritual practices that will sustain them through massive upheaval. Some interim ministers will be laying the groundwork for the next settled pastor to lead changes like closing, merging, restarting, or relocating. Other interim ministers, however, may need to lead an intentional discernment process and guide the congregation through dissolution. There is a continuum of possible responses. Regardless of where they find themselves on this continuum, interim ministers who enter these conversations must expand the concept of “healthy farewell” from the exit of one clergyperson to facilitating healthy farewells for an entire congregation and its institutional identity.
Rev. Diane Kenaston is a United Methodist elder with ten years of experience pastoring churches in West Virginia and Missouri in the United States. She is now a clergy coach based out of Cambridge, United Kingdom, and a founding member of the Good Friday Collaborative, a ministry supporting congregational leaders whose churches are faithfully concluding existing ministry.
THE DYNAMICS OF POLARIZATION - Rev. Cynthia Vermillion-Foster
Our culture is experiencing more and more polarization, deepening our sense of isolation and causing rifts in our society and our spiritual communities. In this 1.5-hour workshop, we will explore the dynamics of polarization, and how it forms and discuss methods of staying present and engaged when we find ourselves in polarizing conversations.
Rev. Cynthia Vermillion-Foster creates spaces for individuals and communities to discover, and unleash their full potential. An ordained Unity minister of 25 years, Cynthia served as the Director of Member Services for Unity Worldwide Ministries for 5 years. Prior to this, she served as the Regional Consultant and Regional Representative for Canada for 10 years. In these roles, Cynthia had the privilege of supporting, coaching and consulting with ministries throughout the US and Canada. Cynthia also served on the UWM’s Ethics Review Team for 10 years including 2 years as Chair of the team. With her husband, Rev. Don Foster, Cynthia served ministries in Chantilly, VA and Hamilton, ON. She is the 2016 recipient of Unity Worldwide Ministries’ Myrtle Fillmore Award and Unity Canada’s 2017 Northern Lights Award.
“Attachment” describes our emotional bonds with others. Originally shaped by our relationships with early caregivers, the attachment benefits and consequences continue to impact our relationships throughout our lives. Times of transition or significant stress can strain even healthy attachment bonds, create ruptures in relationships, or resurface old patterns we thought we left behind. Thankfully, attachment wounds can be repaired with nourishing and skillful support.
In advance, you will explore three attachment styles and consider the style you carry from your childhood and the style you bring to your ministry setting. In the live discussion we will explore the attachment styles within ministry settings: the styles of the congregation, between the minister and the congregation, and among leadership circles. This workshop will provide exercises to strengthen a secure attachment style and support the repair of attachment wounds in individuals, communities, and in the relationship between them.
The Rev. Dr. “Shannon Michael” Pater is a trauma-informed spiritual director and clergy member of the United Church of Christ. In the early days of 2019, after 25 years of ordained ministry, he wanted to experience his own interim period and pilgrimage so he sold, donated, and gave away most of what owned him and moved to India on a one-way ticket. In March 2020, he suddenly became an international COVID refugee while traveling in the Himalayas. He was in near-solitary lockdown for over 70 days and spent 21 months stranded in a small mountain village. At the end of 2021, he was finally able to safely repatriate to the U.S. The fortitude, solitude, and other nourishing gifts of the Spirit that arrived via street dogs and cups of chai with strangers during periods of strain and stress, loneliness and isolation continue to be integrated from the intensity of his interim pilgrimage. For more information about his practice, visit: www.noticethejourney.com
LOVE DRENCHED ACCOUNTABILITY - Rev. Cynthia Vermillion Foster
The Dynamics of Polarization: Theory
Our culture is experiencing more and more polarization, deepening our sense of isolation and causing rifts in our society and our spiritual communities. In this 1.5-hour workshop, we will explore the dynamics of polarization, and how it forms and discuss methods of staying present and engaged when we find ourselves in polarizing conversations.
Love Drenched Accountability: Practice
Following after the theory-based webinar on Love Drenched Accountability, Rev. Cynthia will conduct a 1.5-hour session on skill building. In this session we will use break-out groups to practice techniques and build capacity for marrying love and accountability.
The Dynamics of Polarization: Practice
Following after the theory-based webinar on The Dynamics of Polarization, Rev. Cynthia will conduct a 1.5-hour session on skill building. In this session we will use break-out groups to practice techniques and build capacity for navigating polarized situations with grace and love.
Love Drenched Accountability: Theory
Accountability can be a challenging concept. It is not unusual for spiritual communities to avoid accountability in an effort to be kind or loving, which creates another set of challenges. At other times, people hold “accountability” conversations that are unclear, unhelpful and sometimes harsh and blaming. This 1.5-hour webinar explores the nature of accountability, and how to infuse accountability conversations with deep love and respect.
Rev. Cynthia Vermillion-Foster creates spaces for individuals and communities to discover, and unleash their full potential. An ordained Unity minister of 25 years, Cynthia served as the Director of Member Services for Unity Worldwide Ministries for 5 years. Prior to this, she served as the Regional Consultant and Regional Representative for Canada for 10 years. In these roles, Cynthia had the privilege of supporting, coaching and consulting with ministries throughout the US and Canada. Cynthia also served on the UWM’s Ethics Review Team for 10 years including 2 years as Chair of the team. With her husband, Rev. Don Foster, Cynthia served ministries in Chantilly, VA and Hamilton, ON. She is the 2016 recipient of Unity Worldwide Ministries’ Myrtle Fillmore Award and Unity Canada’s 2017 Northern Lights Award.
“Circles of Trust” is a small group ministry which explores the inner teacher in each of us and builds compassionate relationships with others. Through personal reflection, deep listening, open and honest questions, and clearness committees, we build trust in our authentic selves and in one another. “Circles of Trust” draws from the spiritual writing of Quaker Parker Palmer.
This webinar will be an introduction to some of the practices in the “Circle of Trust” method, to include explanation of the Touchstones, the covenant on which this program is built; habits of deep listening; and discernment of a reading or poetry which invites exploration of the theme of “transitioning.” This practice which expands habit of compassionate communication offers helpful resources for the toolbox of interim ministry and also builds interpersonal connections among participants in the Circle. For more about the “Circles of Trust” practice, see Parker Palmer, A Hidden Wholeness: The Journey Toward An Undivided Life.
Rev. Dr. Barbara Coeyman is an Accredited Interim Minister in the Unitarian Universalist Association. She is also a credentialed Facilitator with the Center for Courage and Renewal (CCR), the sponsoring institution of “Circles of Trust.” A member of IMN for the past decades, she has led several workshops during annual IMN conferences. She is completing a two-year interim at the UU Church of Muncie Indiana, her eighth transitioning ministry position. For more on CCR, see www.couragerenewal.org.
We know from interim ministry training—especially through IMN—that there’s a defined process for congregational transition hidden within the process are dynamics of change requiring attention by the interim minister and judicatory supervisors. There’s a transitional quotient. We’re familiar with IQ (intelligence quotient) that measures how a person deals with “hard data.” More recently, we have learned how to gauge EQ (emotional quotient), known as “emotional intelligence.” One more practice: SQ (spiritual quotient)—the spiritual readiness of a congregation. This webinar explores how these three approaches can bring about effective and lasting transition—and, perhaps, transformation.
The Rev. John R. Throop has been an Episcopal priest for 41 years. A graduate of the University of Chicago, he attended seminary at the School of Theology of the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee. He earned a Doctor of Ministry degree from Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California in organizational development in Christian ministries. He has served parishes in Tennessee, Virginia, Ohio, Illinois, New York, and Wisconsin. In a bi-vocational role for 17 years, Dr. Throop is currently a consultant and coach assisting churches and nonprofits in change and transition. He also was a global consultant in strategy, planning, and human resources serving non-profit and governmental agencies. Through the years, he has served as a board member of church and secular groups. He currently is board president for the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer and a member of the board of directors of Interior Ministry in the Episcopal Church (IMEC). Rev. Throop presented his workshop; Paradigm Shifts in Transition during the 2021 IMN Annual Conference.
When do we need Adjustment thru Conversation and when is Mediation appropriate?
As a matter of fact, we tend to see problems all around: Major problems – minor problems, and what to do? The narratives of our day and age tend to thrive on problems, whereas oftentimes a serious conversation could lead to workable adjustments. And thus add to more happiness and satisfaction down the road.
My primary goal as a Congregational Consultant is to slow down the process, look more carefully and facilitate deep listening. As a trained Transition Minister, my focus (regarding potential problems) is on: what can we handle within the system and what needs an all sided view from the outside (= facilitator)?
On the other hand, a lack of resources or different opinions about how to deal with occurring issues, is not necessarily a reason to call on Mediation or any other big problem solving. In fact the simple idea of having a problem, may send the anxiety beyond measuring. More so in belief an conscience based systems.
In this webinar/workshop we will look at the difference between normal outcomes, tasks, challenges and problems. We will also look at the flow that brings us down the scale and eventually up again.
The session will be interactive. Tools, best practices, and resources will be shared by the instructor. Participants are also invited to bring resources to share.
In the second part we will look at Mediation. How does it work in different steps and when is it applicable and promising enough to give it a try?
Rev. Lieve Van den Ameele is an ordained minister in the Protestant Church in Hesse and Nassau, Germany – partner church to the UCC (New York Conference). She is a trained Interim Minister and Professional Transitional Specialist with IMN. Lieve has served as a local pastor in Belgium and Germany. And has been a settled pastor as well as an Interim Minister. She is a trained Congregational Consultant and has facilitated in many congregational settings. She is a co-host to an VSG and also to the International VSG with IMN. She lives in Bad Ems – in the Koblenz area.
THEOLOGICAL WORLDS - Rev. Holly MillerShank
Have you ever wondered why some worship services are better attended than others? Why do some church members gravitate towards certain hymns? Or how to discuss the theological underpinnings to the annual budget? In general, there are four theological worlds present in most congregations. Based off of the work of W. Paul Jones and Lee Barrett, Rev. Holly MillerShank will explore these theological worlds and how they influence the worshiping and community life of congregants and congregations. Participants will explore their own preferences and how to incorporate meaningful elements into church life to honor and feed the spiritual longings of each theological world.
Rabbi Dennis Ross, author of the newly published, A Year with Martin Buber: Wisdom from the Weekly Torah Portion, will describe how the teachings of the great twentieth-century Jewish thinker Martin Buber bring us to spirituality in the daily routine.
Rabbi Dennis Ross is the author of the newly published A Year with Martin Buber: Wisdom on the Weekly Torah Portion for the Jewish Publication Society’s Daily Inspiration Series. He has also written God in Our Relationships: Spirituality between People from the Teachings of Martin Buber, When a Lie Is Not a Sin: The Hebrew Bible’s Framework for Deciding (Jewish Lights), All Politics Is Religious: Speaking Faith to the Media, Policy Makers and Community (SkyLight Paths), and The Ten Commandments: From the Shadow of Eden to the Promise of Canaan (Bibal). Rabbi Ross has written for the New York Times, the Boston Globe, Forward and other publications.
Rabbi Ross. MSW, LCSW, is an Intentional Interim Rabbi in the greater New York City area with specialized training and experience supporting congregations in transition. He is now at Temple Am Echad, Lynbrook, N.Y. and has served synagogues in Manhattan, Chappaqua, Neponsit, Monroe and Albany, N. Y., Summit, N. J., Washington, D. C., and Pittsfield and Worcester, Mass. He is Acting Interim Program Specialist at the Central Conference of American Rabbis where he develops, trains and supports interim rabbis. He is a member of the interfaith Board of the Interim Ministry Network devoted to advancing best practices for clergy in interim pulpits.
Rabbi Ross also directs Concerned Clergy for Choice at Planned Parenthood Empire State Acts. He travels from the Northeast to speak with Jewish groups and many other faith communities about Jewish spirituality, reproductive rights and other topics.
His web site is www.DennisRoss.net.
In 1988 General Motors tried to market its Oldsmobile brand to a younger generation to boost their lagging sales and overcome the perception that an Olds was and old man’s car. After showing a sporty new model, the background voice pronounced, “It’s not your father’s Oldsmobile.” Unfortunately, the strategy didn’t work, and the stolid Oldsmobile was dropped from GM’s line. Many of our congregations find themselves in a similar situation. The church and synagogue today is not the one they grew up in. This webinar will explore how the culture has changed, the church has changed, and the mission has changed in the past half-century and how it impacts ministry today. It is designed not only to inform transitional leaders, but to also help local congregations understand our current context.
How Well Can You See Your Story is a ninety minute ZOOM based practical application that builds a reflective skill set that, with practice, puts the participant both on the dance floor and in the balcony. Bill Thomas teaches holding a short written narrative in conversation with a visual expression of the stimulus and response found within that story. The dance floor is the experience of the story and the visual expression (found in Thomas’ Anxiety Response Chart) interprets the story as if observing from the balcony with a wider perspective. The webinar participant will develop a competence in self-reflective practice that delivers a visual balcony perspective while engaged in the action of the dance floor.
Thomas will demonstrate a basic visual practice that interprets stimulus and response from the narrative using the tripartite brain (Automatic Pilot, House of Emotion, Thinking Cap). Using Core Values / Guiding Principles as well as Systems Theory, the Capacity Challenge is identified and a Learning Statement developed.
An eleven minute video from the movie Adventure in Baltimore serves as a case study and recaps the fictional story set in 1905 of Dr. Andrew Shelton, an Episcopal Priest. How well participants can see Dr. Shelton’s story will help them see their own story.
WORLD CAFÉ Rev. Arlen Vernava
Are you a Leader managing transition? Are you part of a Team preparing for change? Are you providing help to an organization/congregation and their leaders in their season of change and transition? And are you one who has little or no familiarity with World Café? Welcome! Your use of this discovery tool:
- designs and leads meaningful and creative conversation for groups and organizations
- congregations of all sizes
- creates collaborative consensus outcomes
- engages equitably across age cohort, life and education experience, gender, race and culture
A World Café in practice: offers a template for addressing big picture questions like: “what is our organization’s purpose?” and granular decisions: “of these three, what do we choose to do?” Essentially World Café advances discovery, clarity, and or implementation by and with the “whole” community.
This webinar will best serve practitioners with no World Café leadership experience who are confident facilitators. We will use our time to explore this tool, understand its process and design, and consider implementation for in-person and virtual gatherings.
All pastors encounter people who have prickly personalities and demand a lot of time, but then there are those who are exceptionally challenging. Too often bullying and destructive behavior is tolerated because our churches are so invested in being “nice” and welcoming everyone that they often are ill-equipped to set boundaries or to care for those who may have personality disorders. Pastors are not trained to diagnose personality disorders, but they should be aware of some of the symptoms, warning signs and when to call a professional for consultation. This webinar will teach strategies to avoid being a target for stress and anxiety, and for understanding the kinds of personality disorders churches can attract.
Rev. Dr. Norman B. Bendroth is a Professional Transitional Specialist trained by the Interim Ministry Network and serves on their faculty. He has served as a settled pastor in two United Church of Christ congregations and as an Interim Minister at fifteen UCC and ABC churches. Norman is editor of Transitional Ministry Today: Successful Strategies for Churches and Pastors (Rowman and Littlefield, Dec. 2014) and Interim Ministry in Action: A Handbook for Churches in Transition also with Rowman and Littlefield. Norman is a Board-Certified coach and consultant. He received his D.Min. from Andover Newton Theological School where he studied theology and family systems theory. After his retirement in 2023, Norman has taken up acting as a second career.
Can We Talk Closing, Merging, and Right-Sizing. In an age when demographics are challenging congregations to thrive, we will explore how to help navigate conversations that lead to faithful discernment. This time will be an opportunity to share experiences, questions, and potential challenges. Our exploration will include grief, culture, legacy, different options regarding merging, and the use of the 5 c’s (curiosity, creativity, co-operation, collaboration, and courage) to help shift congregations from palliative numbness into a life-giving and viable ministry.
Helen Prior is an Ordained Interim Minister in the United Church of Canada. Over her 30 years in ministry she has served four pastoral charges as a settled minister, and completed seven intentional interim ministries in Saskatchewan, and southern Ontario. She has served as faculty since for the Interim Ministry Network since 2017. Helen has a reputation for using her pastoral skills and sense of humour to invite congregations into dialogue, and helping polarized groups come closer together. Helen has helped churches discern to amalgamate, disband or close. Most recently she completed a three way amalgamation where formerly floundering congregations are now thriving. When away from work Helen enjoys being walked by her pups, being staff to her cats, travel, good music and spending time with friends and family.
This webinar is designed to revisit the most basic and foundational aspects of congregational finances: the interlocking elements of the balance sheet and income statement, the role of the planning tool popularly known as the Budget, and some conversation about endowments (vs savings) and designated funds….
William Bridges has said that the hardest part of change for people and institutions is not change per se, but transition. Change is inevitable, but transition is unsettling and scary. The Bible is rich with stories of change and transition and how God worked in the midst of them. This webinar will supplement those stories by looking at four theories of understanding and helping congregations move through transition. It will also equip the pastoral leader to initiate and navigate the change process.
Rev. Dr. Norman B. Bendroth is a Professional Transitional Specialist trained by the Interim Ministry Network and serves on their faculty. He has served as a settled pastor in two United Church of Christ congregations and as an Interim Minister at fifteen UCC and ABC churches. Norman is editor of Transitional Ministry Today: Successful Strategies for Churches and Pastors (Rowman and Littlefield, Dec. 2014) and Interim Ministry in Action: A Handbook for Churches in Transition also with Rowman and Littlefield. Norman is a Board-Certified coach and consultant. He received his D.Min. from Andover Newton Theological School where he studied theology and family systems theory. After his retirement in 2023, Norman has taken up acting as a second career.
Strategic planning is just as critical for congregations as other organizations, even more so for those in transition. The congregational plan includes the basics of standard strategy practice, adding the work of prayerful discernment of what God is calling the congregation to be and to do right now. Strategic ministry planning addresses the three questions of “Who are we?” “Who is our neighbor?” and “What is God calling us to do?” posed by Alice Mann and Gil Rendle in their work, Holy Conversations: Strategic Planning as a Spiritual Practice for Congregations. Strategic planning can be an umbrella methodology for working through the interim ministry focus points and creating a fruitful ministry future.
We will look at the basics of strategic planning and review a sample facilitation process that you can use in your ministry setting. We will discuss the formatting of a strategic plan and a monitoring and implementation process. You will gain a starting foundation for developing your skills in this vital tool.
Agreement-making – what many names “contracting” – invites Practitioner and Faith Community into relationship. More than fiduciary due diligence, Agreement-making joins you to one another, the first moves in establishing mutual trust and respect. Here the Practitioner discerns if they can help and the Faith Community expresses the help they need. Here the transition-time journey takes shape.
Agreement-making Webinar will explore this process and provide one framework for discernment and decision.
The Israelites left Egypt as a group of tribes with a “mixed multitude.” At Sinai they became a nation united under a set of laws. Under Joshua that nation became landed, and under Saul and David they transitioned into a kingdom.
In this webinar we will look at aspects of these transitions and discuss what was done well and what mistakes were made. We will use this discussion to reflect on our own transitional leadership.
Participants should have a Bible at hand.
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