Every congregation experiences conflict, even though each one does so in unique ways. The sources of conflict may vary from the micro to the macro—from intrapersonal pathologies to personality differences to globalization forces—but over time they are inescapable....
Agreeing & Disagreeing in Love
(Guidelines for those times when we disagree) Though we would often like to think so, Christians are not immune to conflict. We face conflict in our homes and churches, in our neighborhoods and work places. Whenever and wherever we interact with other people, conflict...
Hot Potato Forum: An Exercise for Surfacing Issues of Conflict – by Rev. Dr. N. Bendroth
Part One: Analysis Four months into my interim ministry at a large, multi-staff church on the north shore of suburban Boston, I began to experience push back. People were responding well to my preaching, worship leadership and pastoral care. I had established a...
The Third Tier – by Rev. Art Bell
by Rev. Art Bell John F Keydel, Jr.’s article “Interim Spectrum” in the Autumn, 2007 edition of ReVisions presented a good, helpful review of what he refers to as the “Tiers” of Interim Ministry. Many Intentional Interim Ministry practitioners have become familiar...