John Beck, ELCA

John Beck, ELCA

Rev. Dr. John Beck is a student of congregational and leadership dynamics and an Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) pastor with 30 plus years of experience who has also served as a chaplain, counselor, and seminary professor. John is an Associate of the Kaleidoscope Institute and is a Qualified Administrator of the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI). His MA in journalism strengthens his communication skills; his PhD in Marital and Family Therapy helps his understanding of family systems; his experiences teaching in several seminaries broadens his appreciation for a diversity of theological perspectives. He is finishing his certification as a trainer with the Stanford Forgiveness Project.

Michelle Collins, UUA

Michelle Collins, UUA

Rev. Dr.  Michelle Collins is a Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) minister and has served a variety of congregations as an interim, contract, senior minister, associate minister, and briefly as a settled minister. She has extensive experience with Soul Matters curriculum development and regional UUA work. Her previous work experience includes being a hospital chaplain and an elementary school teacher. Michelle is committed to anti-oppression work, social justice and social action. She also has training in trauma response, grief recovery, conflict meditation, and serves on her denomination’s trauma response ministry and is a researcher for a monthly theme-based resource service.

Terasa Colley, UUA

Terasa Colley, UUA

Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley has served as a Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) minister for over 30 years, both in the parish and in denominational positions. She is an Accredited Interim Minister and specializes in working with congregations which have experienced ministerial misconduct. Terasa’s book, Transforming Conflict: The Blessings of Congregational Turmoil, came out in 2022. She currently serves as the Developmental Minister at First Unitarian Universalist Church in Columbus, OH.

Keith Copeland, ELCA

Keith Copeland, ELCA

Rev. Dr. Keith Copeland has served as an Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Pastor for 30 years. He has served as settled pastor in 4 congregations and as the interim pastor of 14 congregations in 3 different denominations. In addition, he coaches leaders in communities of faith who are leading in times of transition as well as those experiencing personal and professional transitions. Keith is active on several IMN teams and projects and is the ELCA’s Interim Ministry Association Board Chair.

Chris Hart, UCC

Chris Hart, UCC

Rev. Chris Hart is a poet, storyteller, process theologian, transition specialist, consultant, revitalization pastor, and artist. He is committed to helping the church of today emerge into the 22nd century. He is dedicated to excellent transitional ministry and serves IMN on several leadership teams. He uses an empowering and adaptive leadership style to help communities of faith grow and change. Chris is passionate about worship that is fresh, creative, engaging, and participatory. He earned his Master of Divinity from Eden Theological Seminary in 2008 and is currently a Social Transformation Doctoral Student at United Theological Seminary.

Margret O'Neall, UUA

Margret O'Neall, UUA

Rev. Dr. Margret O’Neall is an accredited Interim Minister and Professional Transition Specialist serving Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) churches in times of transition and development. Margret holds academic degrees in Community Development and Sociology and earned her Master of Divinity from Meadville-Lombard Theological School. She entered intentional interim ministry following a 35-year career working in the public and private sectors, and her call to ministry follows her passion for the transformation process that individuals and organizations may engage with intention in times of change. Since entering the ministry in 2009 Margret has served 5 interim ministries positions within the UUA.

Neil Parker, UCCN

Neil Parker, UCCN

Rev. Dr. Neil Parker is a United Church of Canada pastor with 40 years of experience in congregational ministry and military chaplaincy. He served 3 settled pastoral charges in Canada served in chaplaincy with several chapel communities while working with Army, Air Force, and Special Forces. He earned a Doctor of Ministry from St. Paul University in Ottawa with a focus on ethics, and a MA in Disaster and Emergency Management before retiring from chaplaincy and moving to Vienna, Austria, where he has served as interim minister and settled pastor in an ecumenical, international congregation. Neil has served several interim ministries and supply appointments, often serving part-time while employed full-time in chaplaincy. He is involved in IMN’s curriculum development and planning for the annual conference.

Pegi Ridout, UCCN

Pegi Ridout, UCCN

Rev. Pegi Ridout has been an Intentional Interim Minister for the past 2 decades serving seven congregations and a retreat centre. In 40 plus years of ordained ministry in the United Church of Canada, Pegi has served a variety of rural, urban, and suburban churches in Southwestern and Niagara regions of Ontario. She coaches interims, is a conflict mediator, and works for intercultural competency and racial justice.

Dennis Ross, Reform Jewish

Dennis Ross, Reform Jewish

Rabbi Dennis S. Ross is an Intentional Interim Rabbi and a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. He has served over 12 synagogues, and is now with Congregation Mishkan Israel in Hamden, CT. He serves the Central Conference of American Rabbis as Acting Interim Program Specialist where he directs and provides training for interim rabbis. He has served on the Board of the Interim Ministry Network. He is the author of A Year with Martin Buber: Wisdom on the Weekly Torah Portion, God in Our Relationships: Spirituality between People from the Teachings of Martin Buber and All Politics Is Religious: Speaking Faith to the Media, Policy Makers, and Community. Rabbi Ross has written for the New York Times, the Boston Globe, and other publications.

Ruth Shaver, UCC

Ruth Shaver, UCC

Rev. Dr. Ruth Shaver is an Intentional Interim and Transitional Ministry Specialist in the United Church of Christ (UCC) who has served 4 congregations as Intentional Interim Pastor and as an Interim Consultant. She is also the Moderator of the Old Colony Association of the Southern New England Conference and serves as a member of the Manual on Local Church rollout team for the United Church of Christ. Ruth holds a Master of Divinity from Boston University School of Theology and a Bachelor of Arts from Boston University.

Wayne, Shelor, ELCA

Wayne, Shelor, ELCA

Rev. Wayne Shelor is an Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Interim Pastor serving in the Philadelphia area. He was ordained in 1986 and served as a settled pastor in 3 congregations, then Executive Director of Caroline Furnace Lutheran Camp & Retreat Center (an outdoor ministry site of the ELCA). Wayne is currently serving his 9th congregation and is the Director of Interims for the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod, ELCA. In addition to his IMN interim ministry training he has special training in conflict resolution, youth ministry, Bowen Family Systems, and stewardship.

Arlen Vernava, ABC

Arlen Vernava, ABC

Rev. Arlen G. Vernava holds Executive Process Consultant certification from the Society for Process Consulting, and additional certifications in Madanes/Adizes PAEI-Enneagram profile and Workplace Big 5. In addition to being a member of IMN’s faculty, Arlen serves as IMN’s Education Team Lead. He has extensive experience working with faith communities and their leaders in a mediation role, and as a consultant during interim time, strategic intentional interim, and an executive coach to interim-time practitioners. Arlen serves across the ecumenical and interfaith community – now in the last years of his 30th decade of vocational life.