Care For Yourself First
from Building Church Leaders Newsletter
Most of the pastors I’m talking to are busier now than they were before the pandemic. They’re scrambling to do everything they did to serve people before—but must do it all in new ways.
During this time, the idea of prioritizing your own soul care might strike you as selfish, especially since your life’s calling centers around serving others in ministry. But the truth is it’s biblical and wise. The Gospels tell us that Jesus regularly withdrew to the wilderness to pray. If the Son of God needed to take a break from ministry to spend time with his Father, we do too.
This week’s resources are designed to help you be strategic in caring for your soul. It may feel like doing so comes at the expense of others. Nothing could be further from the truth. Caring for your soul now will enable you to care for others better in the long run.
This 38-page resource lays out the case for the importance of regularly assessing your spiritual health, as well as practical guidelines for how to do so. It also offers resources for going about the work of developing spiritual health so you can effectively minister to others. While we all know the importance of rest and renewal, it can be difficult to allow ourselves to take time out of our day to rest and renew our bodies and souls. Also, check out Rest and Renewal for Busy Church Leaders to find ways to revitalize yourself during this trying time.